poetEst() implements the Principal Orthogonal complEment Thresholding (POET) estimator, a nonparametric, unobserved-factor-based estimator of the covariance matrix (Fan et al. 2013) . The estimator is defined as the sum of the sample covariance matrix' rank-k approximation and its post-thresholding principal orthogonal complement. The hard thresholding function is used here, though others could be used instead.

poetEst(dat, k, lambda)



A numeric data.frame, matrix, or similar object.


An integer indicating the number of unobserved latent factors. Empirical evidence suggests that the POET estimator is robust to overestimation of this hyperparameter (Fan et al. 2013) . In practice, it is therefore preferable to use larger values.


A non-negative numeric defining the amount of thresholding applied to each element of sample covariance matrix's orthogonal complement.


A matrix corresponding to the estimate of the covariance matrix.


Fan J, Liao Y, Mincheva M (2013). “Large covariance estimation by thresholding principal orthogonal complements.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Statistical Methodology), 75(4), 603--680. ISSN 13697412, 14679868, https://www.jstor.org/stable/24772450.


poetEst(dat = mtcars, k = 2L, lambda = 0.1)
#>              mpg         cyl        disp          hp         drat          wt
#> mpg    36.324103  -9.1723790  -633.09721 -320.732056   2.19506351  -5.1166847
#> cyl    -9.172379   3.1895161   199.68181  101.957810  -0.57764791   1.3759564
#> disp -633.097208 199.6818126 15360.79983 6721.151681 -47.07821023 107.7090659
#> hp   -320.732056 101.9578102  6721.15168 4700.866935 -16.45539748  44.2081565
#> drat    2.195064  -0.5776479   -47.07821  -16.455397   0.28588135  -0.3369854
#> wt     -5.116685   1.3759564   107.70907   44.208157  -0.33698538   0.9573790
#> qsec    4.509149  -1.8868548   -96.02405  -86.804075   0.08714073  -0.3054816
#> vs      1.968872  -0.7298387   -44.37791  -24.999372   0.12286905  -0.3019144
#> am      1.803931  -0.4118850   -36.58262   -8.324576   0.13020674  -0.2692619
#> gear    2.135685  -0.6491935   -50.82168   -6.358748   0.19314430  -0.3827046
#> carb   -5.363105   1.4299448    79.09023   83.088899  -0.12824916   0.6757903
#>              qsec           vs           am         gear        carb
#> mpg    4.50914919   1.96887209   1.80393145   2.13568548 -5.36310484
#> cyl   -1.88685484  -0.72983871  -0.41188504  -0.64919355  1.42994485
#> disp -96.02404610 -44.37791164 -36.58261788 -50.82168281 79.09023204
#> hp   -86.80407537 -24.99937226  -8.32457551  -6.35874793 83.08889861
#> drat   0.08714073   0.12286905   0.13020674   0.19314430 -0.12824916
#> wt    -0.30548161  -0.30191440  -0.26926186  -0.38270459  0.67579032
#> qsec   3.19316613   0.67056452  -0.20495968  -0.28040323 -1.89411290
#> vs     0.67056452   0.25403226   0.08132497   0.09646868 -0.38225399
#> am    -0.20495968   0.08132497   0.24899194   0.29233871  0.02326462
#> gear  -0.28040323   0.09646868   0.29233871   0.54435484  0.32661290
#> carb  -1.89411290  -0.38225399   0.02326462   0.32661290  2.60887097